Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks

Aug 21, 2010 3.Rename your maplestory private server to 'Maplestory'or it wont work. 4.Open Ganja Trainer and press the play button.(To put Maplestory in windows mode hit alt and enter at the same time).Then. 3.Rename your maplestory private server to 'Maplestory'or it wont work. 4.Open Ganja Trainer and press the play button.(To put Maplestory in windows mode hit alt and enter at the same time).Then.

Hello there,
[Content]Maplestory v62 private server hacks cs 1.6
1) Getting Started.
2) Programs needed.
3) Installations.
4) Files placement.
5) Server files.
6) SQL Setup.
7) Preference setup.
8) Start Server.
1) Getting Started:
First go to C:
Once there make 2 folders, call them whatever you want but for this tutorial I'll name it 'Your Sever name' and 'Downloads'.
Now it should look like this:
C:Your Server Name
2) Programs needed:
Download these programs/files.
Place everything inside the C:Downloads folder.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) ||
MySQL Query Browser
Jce unlimited strength files
[Click at other Downloads]
Bubbels dev revision 108
(Credits to Bubbles for Repack)
v62 xml.wz files
Version 62 Setup MapleStory
3) Installations:
Before we start make sure that everything is extracted if its in a .rar format.
Installing WampServer:
Follow the instructions and install it at:
Don't worry about putting your e-mail and such at the end just press finish.
Once your done installing run it and you will see the Wamp icon on the bottom right corner.
Left click it and click 'Put Online'.

Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks 1.12.2

Then Left click it again and click 'Start All Services'.
Installing MySQL Query Browser:
Very simple just run the installation file, agree to the terms and follow the instructions.
Installing Java SE Development Kit (JDK):
Before we do this right click your computer icon and click properties.
Depending on what system type your computer has you will either use 32bit or 64bit.
So install the corresponding file.
Another simple installation just follow the instructions.
4) Files placement:
Take the two files from the folder (JCE Unlimited Strength Files) and copy them.
Paste them into these places, overwrite if prompted.
(The (jdk1) folder version can be different, its ok).
C:Program FilesJavajre6lib
C:Program FilesJavajre6libext
C:Program FilesJavajre6libsecurity
Maplestory v62 private server hacks minecraftC:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_16lib
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_16jrelib
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_16jrelibext
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_16jrelibsecurity
5)Setting up mysql
go to start all programs mysql and run the mysql query browser.
The password is the same as you entered in the setup.
If you didn't put a password, leave it blank.
Now in the query browser, click File > Open Script
navigate to the bubbels dev repack you downloaded and select bubbels dev sql1 then click the green execute button . Then, excute bubbels dev2 then bubbels dev3.
6)Setting up properties
go to your repack folder go inside and you will see alot of stuff
look for the document that says db properties open that in notepad the password is either blank or it say's root change that to what ever your password is.
7)Setting up wz
remember that v62xml.wz file you downloaded?
its download #6 btw
copy that entire folder open up the repack bubbels dev you should see another folder inside called bubbels dev past that folder in there and so not to have confusion it is where all the other stuff is like the proertie files and such.
Maplestory v62 private server hacks 1.8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8)Settung up Your Ip
Change the Worldhost after the = in your ip
Save it
Change the password if you set on write it in there if not delte the password after the = Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks
Save it
Open in your ip
Save it
Serach for ip here in it
Save it

Maplestory Private Server Downloads

Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks Pastebin

9)Now its time to edit you kiki.cfg open it with notepad or what ever you have and change IPAddress=your ip in it to this write there your ip in it
Save it
Now copy the three files
in your maplestory folder now start the Starter.bat in your pack

Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks No Human

Now join your Server and Have Fun!
Dont forget to Create New Network in Your Hamachi if you dont have it Google for it and create new Network.
If you get some errors try first again the part with java files and if its still dont work pm me and i will help so have fun with it

Maplestory Private Server V62

Maplestory V62 Private Server Hacks Gta 5

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