Blheli Suite For Mac

Betaflight supports nearly all flight controllers on the market having at least an STM32F4 Processor. The Betaflight Configurator runs on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Android. The Betaflight Firmware supports all major Remote Control manufacturers like FrSky, Graupner and FlySky. ESCs are directed using PWM, OneShot, MultiShot, DShot or even.

  1. Blheli Suite For Mac Desktop
  2. Blheli Suite For Mac High Sierra
  3. Blheli Suite For Mac Windows 10
  4. Blheli Suite For Mac 7

Blheli Suite For Mac Desktop

This guide describes how to flash the BlHeli and the BlHeli Bootloader to XRotor 20a ESCs so that they can be updated via CleanFlight and BetaFlight after installing them in your multi-rotor, without unplugging them from the flight controller!

There are two types microprocessors used on ESCS, one is made by Atmel and the other by SiLabs. Since the XRotor 20a uses a SiLabs processor, these instructions are generally applicable to other SiLabs based ESCs. You'll just need to identify the C2 interface pads on the circuit board. These pads are described in the documentation here: Supported SiLabs ESCs.


Technically it is a 32 bit implementation of BLHeli although not a direct port. For the non-technical, computer chips/hardware have moved on a lot since the chips used for BLHeli or BLHeliS. BLHeli32 is a rewrite to use these more advanced chips, making faster, stronger and capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound. Are you using blheli suite or the chrome blheli app? Dec 13, 2017, 03:44. They don't make the suite for Mac. You will need to emulate Windows, or get a Windows. BlHeliS type ESC 3. BlHlei Suite Software. For interfacing computer with ESC you will not need any USB Linker. If you already don´t own one, do not buy it, we gonna make our own with ordinary arduino. Install BlHeli Suite. BlHeli suite was long time just for Windows computers only.


At 15g weight, with wires, these things aren't super light.

Take off the heatsink to save 2g, no idea how this will effect performance and reliability so do this at your own risk.




  • You'll need a $3.60 Chinese Arduino Nano Clone:
  • If you use this specific Nano clone, it uses a ch340g usb chip, the driver for which is here:

  • I also tried this process with a bunch of different Arduino including the Pro Mini and Uno. I couldn't get it to work. My guess is that there might be an issue with the hex files for other Arduino versions. Your best bet is to use a nano.


Since we'll be using BlHeliSuite, which is Windows only, we'll need a VM for Linux or Mac, skip this if you already have a Windows computer. I used Vmware Fusion and this free Windows XP VM, straight from Microsoft:

BlHeli Suite

Download the latest BlHeli Suite:


The xrotor 20a escs come with these solder pads exposed to access the C2 interface we'll be using to flash them:

They connect to your Arduino Nano like this:

If you're unsure where to solder the leads onto your ESC, you can verify the solder pad connections to the pins on the F330 microcontroller with a multi-meter in continuity mode.

Blheli Suite For Mac

First, I made a programming cable that matches these pads, but there appears to be a thin layer of epoxy or something covering the board. I tried cleaning the pads with alcohol, but it didn't help.

Since I couldn't get good contact just holding the pins against the ESC, I ended up soldering leads onto each ESC. Soldering worked fine. It doesn't take too long, so consider just soldering temporary leads before building a cable.


Blheli Suite For Mac High Sierra

Install the driver

Boot your VM (if you're on a Mac), unzip BlHeliSuite, install the Arduino USB Driver and plug in the Arduino.

Find the COM port

Find the COM port in use by your adapter by looking in the Computer Management (Right-Click 'My Computer' -> 'Manage') under Device Manager, COM ports. Mine is COM6.

Make the 4 way interface

Open the Make Interfaces tab, pick the Arduino Board: Nano W/ ATmega328 choose your COM port and click 'Arduino 4way-interface'

Pick the 4wArduino_Nano__16_MULTIv[lates version number].hex

Hit open and it will start flashing your Arduino, making it into a SiLabs C2 programming stick.

It will say 'Thank you' when done -- you're welcome!

Connect your programmer

Connect your programmer to the ESC as described in the wiring section.

Plug the ESC into a battery, preferably with a current limiting device like a light bulb or voltage regulator. So if something goes terribly wrong, your ESC isn't damaged.


Once your ESC is plugged in, hit 'Connect' then 'Read Setup,' you should get a prompt like this, to flash BlHeli.

Pick the version of BlHeli that corresponds to your ESC, in this example we're using the XROTOR 20A MULTI code. There are 3 versions of BlHeli. You'll always want multi, unless you're doing something weird like flying a helicopter (not a multi-copter).

Blheli Suite For Mac Windows 10

  • Main: Intended for helicopter main motor
  • Tail: Intended for helicopter tail motor
  • Multi: Intended for multirotor motors

Confirm that you want to flash BlHeli, erasing the original firmware.

You'll see a confirmation box like this, click OK

That's it. You're ready to configure your ESCs.


You can do it here, while connected with the 4w programmer or use CleanFlight/BetaFlight pass-through programming and configuration once you've installed the ESCs in your copter.

Check out the configuration guide for more.


After configuring your ESCs, before you fly, make sure you calibrate your ESCs so the throttle range of each ESC matches the others.

Blheli Suite For Mac 7

Read the guide on throttle calibration here.


Programming Adapters guide.

The manual to learn more.

Hope this was helpful. If so, feel free to checkout my YouTube channel, get updates when a new article is posted by following on Feedly and read the the other guides

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Beqiriplease note that all pfal commands related to the bluetooth and ieee are not supported by mambo2b6 device. Even if youre a windows fan, youve probably thought about trying os x. The mission will mark the debut of the block 5 version of the companys falcon 9, the most advanced upgrade of the rocket to date and the last major version of. Falcon supercharges your lock screen and notification center. Fastlane is the tool to release your ios and android app it handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.

Macquisition supports over different mac computer models. Ever wondered if it was possible to run blheli suite on mac os x instead of needing a windows box or virtual machine to program your escs. The initial version of falconview named after the f16 fighting falcon, the fighters full name was a set of routines that displayed scanned maps with simple stick routes drawn on top.

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