Rimworld Get Rid Of Addiction

The problem of drug addiction has dozens of causes and consequences. The task of our clinic is to find solutions as quickly, efficiently and in decent conditions as possible!

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Drug addiction is a serious illness, accompanied by a pathological craving for drug use and leading to partial or complete destruction of the patient’s organs and systems, leading to death.

Drug addict is a patient who needs qualified psychological, drug addiction and therapeutic assistance from doctors.

External and internal factors can be the reasons for the emergence of addiction. Such as the:

  • Depression
  • Interest
  • Internal conflict
  • Suggestibility
  • Desire to get new sensations

The first use does not make a person addicted. Almost 50% of people lose interest, but the second 50% continue and do it regularly. They are becoming drug addicts.

There are 3 stages of drug addiction.

Rimworld Get Rid Of Addiction

Stage 1: a conscious search for a “high”, the transition from lower doses to larger ones, and from less powerful drugs to stronger ones. Characteristic features: justification for taking drugs, planning for use in one’s “circle”, drugs are a communication tool.

Stage 2: physical dependence on drugs. Drugs do not give pleasant sensations, but are required for the normal state of the body. Characteristic features: loss of control of behavior, conflicts in the close and distant circle of communication, material difficulties and as a result – theft, theft, debts.

Stage 3: physiological changes – complete dependence on drugs with brain damage. The dose provides regulation in the brain of the perception of the surrounding world and chemical processes. Characteristic features: loss of social environment, development of chronic and concomitant diseases, constant need for drugs, personality degradation, loss of life goals with subsequent suicide.
Drug addiction treatment can be started at any of these stages, but the earlier, the easier it is to achieve the result.

Signs and general characteristics of symptoms of drug use:

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  • Changes in behavior (aggression, excessive agitation, drowsiness, apathy);
  • Changes in physical condition (dilated pupils, retarded movements, thinness, injection marks, unhealthy complexion, hallucinations, disorientation);
  • Concomitant diseases (AIDS, hepatitis B and C, infectious and venereal diseases);
  • Social changes (isolation, loss of job / school, family, friends);
  • Changes of a criminal nature (criminal actions against others).

It should be noted that the symptomatology also depends on the type of drug and its origin. The task of relatives is to pay attention to these symptoms and urgently seek help from specialists.

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According to statistics for 2019, about a million drug addicts were recorded in Ukraine. Among them, almost 400,000 are injecting drugs. A report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) indicates that 18% of adolescents in Ukraine have tried drugs (of which: 8.7% – marijuana, 9.2% – inhalers, 14.2% have tried 2 or more drugs). Moreover, the percentage of use by girls has increased 1.5 times over the past five years and amounted to 18.1%.

In Kiev and other large cities of Ukraine, over the past six months, the so-called online sales of drugs have increased by 40%. Thanks to various messengers and websites, the purchase became anonymous, and the payment became contactless. Analyzing the above, we consider an important advantage of our clinic to be its location and the compulsory treatment of drug addiction in a hospital.

Pay attention! The solution to the problem of effective drug addiction treatment begins with motivation. This difficult task is solved in several stages by our narcologists-psychotherapists. From arguments to the need for a cure. Psychological consultation can be provided to the closest circle of the patient.

We have a solution!

Clinic “MedicoMente” draws up a drug addiction treatment program individually. Patient therapy is carried out only in stationary conditions, which guarantees control of recovery.

The stages of therapy include:

  • Motivation
  • Detoxification
  • Psychotherapy
  • Aversive therapy
  • Ibogaine therapy
  • Additional therapy (optional)
  • Implant (optional)
Rimworld Get Rid Of Addiction

Rimworld Get Rid Of Addiction Drugs

The following factors influence the preparation of a complex therapy plan: gender, age, general health, social environment, psychotype, character traits of the patient.

The specialists of our center accompany the patient, ranging from emergency detoxification in a hospital setting to sustainable results leading to the victory over drugs.

We use our own licensed original methods, international protocols and an individual approach.

Often, patients are faced with the problems of outpatient, drug treatment of drug addiction or transfer to other types of addictions. Removal of withdrawal drugs does not lead to recovery, but only aggravates the condition of the drug addicted patient.

Our clinic will save you from such problems, because drug addiction treatment is carried out in a hospital and only comprehensively. Conditions – the most comfortable (hotel level 4 + *).

The cost of services is calculated for each patient individually according to the clinic’s price list, treatment program and condition upon admission.

It is worth noting the privileges from our center:

  • Round-the-clock control of specialists;
  • Confidentiality, security;
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • A wide staff of doctors (with over 10 years of experience and international internship);
  • Modern equipment according to the criteria of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine;
  • Transfer from the railway station and airports in Kiev.

We are together with you, we are focused on the result – the restoration of personality, health, life!

Check out the therapy program for a free consultation by phone 095-550-85-25!

Rimworld Addiction Withdrawal

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Do not fight on your own, you are not alone, contact us!